
What came first, the chicken or the egg? Do you do live to work or do you work to live? Who am I to judge what you decide? Or you to judge my choice? What causes the low productivity in my country? What came to determine the setting of longer-than-average working hours? What came first, low productivity or the long work schedule? Is our work schedule longer because we are low producers or we produce too little because our schedule is too long?

How much is each hour a person dedicates to a company worth? How much is each hour a person spends with their loved ones worth? How much is each hour a person spends on growing (as a human being, as a spiritual being, as an intelectual being) worth? How much do you get paid for your work? What they can afford to pay you? What your job is really worth? How much do you pay your employees? Some well balanced equivalent, or what you feel you receive back, or what "the market" says, or what you believe is right, or just what you can offer? Who the heck is "the market"? How much do you believe are your employees' hours of life worth? How much is human life worth?

Where is the line that divides a bunch of cells, each containing 46 unique human chromosomes, from a human life? What makes someone who sincerely doesn't want to kill an innocent find relieve for their conscience while thinking of abortion as a valid option? What makes someone who sincerely calls themself "pro-life" treat with so much hatred and mercilessness someone who is in a desperate situation? What are they celebrating in my country today so joyfully? Is it that now there's legal entitlement to kill an innocent given three desperate situations? What precedent will this bring up in our legislation? Will abortion soon be permitted without the need of any extreme causals? Will it give way to make it easier to deceive in order to be allowed to abort? Or rather will our society grow into an ethical and philosophical enlightenment in which there will be both the freedom to choose and enough responsibility to use that freedom? What's the difference between aborting in extreme situations and the right to kill in self defence? Is it acceptable to take the life of another human being to preserve your own life or your loved ones' lifes? Who has the right to decide which life is of more worth, or the measurements to evaluate that? What do you think?

The purpose of this post is to give a personal reflection regarding two of the most resonant law projects of the year in my country. By no means I intend to offend, ridicule or demonize any posture on the matters, but simply expose that none of them are so easy to grasp, nor the world is black or white.

Keep your brain from falling, love ;)


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