Ability to save money

Today I'm feeling a little sadder than usual. It turns out that I've been looking for houses and apartments for sale and rent for several months, just to know what to expect regarding what the housing market offers these days. I live with my parents (>.<) in a house that's relatively far from my work (17 linear km or 10.5 linear miles, which mean an 80 minute drive by rush hour, an hour of commute if i take a collective cab and then the metro, or two hours of commute if I take the bus). For those who live in my city, it's probably easy to understand how unpleasant this is, especially the metro, it's THE HORROR. Plus, when arriving at the station that connects with the most crowded line, I can't help but compare our marching with that of slaves or prisoners in a concentration camp, all of us extremely close to each other trying hard to move forward, all this mass walking up the stairs with a clear "I'm sick of this" expression on our faces. It's sad, really. Who wouldn't like to avoid all that and get to work a little more uplifted.

Well, because of this, I've been searching out for some new place to call home, that's even only a little bit closer to my work, and not feel like a burden to my parents anymore, only to get to the conclusion that I might never find it. Holly cow, how expensive is life! I declare myself incompetent to handle it with my salary, even though I don't even spend on rent, water, hydro or heating. Actually, I don't have any right to complain, since many families live on one salary like mine, a salary that's not enough to open a bank account in my country. And to apply for a housing subsidy you gotta have the ability to save money...

I won't extend much talking about my personal circumstances or decisions until now, and I certainly don't want to ungratefully complain. But the thing is that I've known better realities than this one, and that fact today feels like a curse, like a point of comparison that's too good. I think that the cost of living in my city is like those of developed countries, and i'ts way too big for the salaries of the majority of people, salaries that are... fit for a developing country. That, unfortunately, makes it normal when you practically don't have a life, you just work and study (carrying the huge burden of a student loan) and keep working and working to achieve something as universally basic and necesary as a roof above your head, while you pay for your monthly needs. What's all that for, if you don't have the energy or time to enjoy that home?

What happens to those who have no chance at all to study after high school? Or the cronically ill? I think there is just so much inequiety of oportunities and conditions that isn't addressed enough in order to change for good in our society. I don't believe in "if you can, you will". I don't believe in "you get what you deserve". I don't believe in "if that person with X problem/disability/illness/issue can, so do you". Because although the sacrifice that that person had to do was worth it, for another person the sacrifice may not be worth it, the proportions are never the same. I don't believe in what people say, like knowing it all with so much certainty, about what others have to do to achieve something, to be happy.
Perhaps all this I'm saying here is the mere effect of being sad today and looking on the dark side of things, I don't know. It's difficult not to feel frustrated when you don't see a positive balance between what you give and what you get, what you sacrifice and what you earn, what you need and what you feel able to reach. Or just, you know, maybe I am the stupid one that does everything wrong. Who knows.

Keep your brain from falling, love ;)

PS.: Today's post was incredibly hard to translate for me, so I appologyze for the grammar mistakes! Please, English speakers/teachers out there, Do Correct me! Thank you :)


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